Well, my friend Fernanda gave birth to her baby girl last June (and unfortunately I just got their picture today...)
Fernanda is very special woman, and I'm really proud that I could call her friend (and that's why I put their picture here). Like I told you above, she gave birth to her baby in June 26, while the following month she had to do her master defense (and of course, writing her thesis in the course). And everything went splendid for her, her thesis and her baby.
Considering about that, nothing actually change during her maternity period: she still went swimming regularly, attending the classes, and actively participating in the discussion (with her well-known Spanish accent :-) ). Anyway, it always great to have a plucky friends around you, to tap to their strength when you need it (and of course to let them tap to your strength when they need it), and I'm more than sure that Fernanda is one of that kind of friends.
(I wish I could find a girl as strong as her one day... :-), anyway, I always like super-girl...)