I started a blog in wierdo's spiel, and it was actually just for blogging experiment, since at that time I still didn't know what kind of blog that I wanted to conjure. I just threw anything I have there, and watched it develop as time went by. However, weirdo's spiel evolved faster than I thought, and after only several entries it had already found its form, that made me not able use it as experimental playground anymore (and some of my friends told me that they like the contents, which make me feel bad if I change its style...). Much that I love to write for other people, sometimes I like to write for myself, where I can do it freely and not be care too much about what other people thinking. I think about starting a new blog privately, but I couldn't make up what kind of tone that I wanted to brush, so the idea just hanging there for quite sometimes... until one day when I went hiking and Tita was in the party.
It was after I took some pictures that Tita started to notice something.
"You know, the way you take pictures is different with other people that I know."
She nodded. "You're not taking pictures because you think the object is charming, isn't it?"
After thinking for a while I began to realize that she was right. Most of the times, I take pictures not for an aesthetic reason, I take it because I find something interesting in it that can be told. And from Tita's notion, the idea of the new blog dawned on me: why don't I make a blog that the main content is just something that I think interesting enough to put? It doesn't have to be my own work, it can be anything - really anything - that I think interesting enough for me. No matter what others think - it is really a blog of my own...
So here it is.
And a bit about the picture above:
It was on one play that we had in Magome kindergarten's international day. There's a story about farmer that found a big radish, and he tried to pull it home. It was so big that he couldn't make it by himself, thus he called the whole family, including dog, cat, and mouse (farmer has a mouse as a pet?) and finally they succeeded in pulling it off the ground. And what happened next can be easily guess, they cooked the radish and had a party.
And as the picture suggests, international students were supposed to be the radish... :-)
And different from what I usually do, Tita took the picture not because she thought that there'd be a story that could be told from it. She took it because she thought that I look cute with the radish headband :-)
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