Just every little things that I wanna show...

Sleeping Pooh

Friday, October 17, 2008

Talking about bear, it reminds me to this pillow. I saw it in Inako's place, and when I showed it to my sisters, they hysterically screaming: "I wanted that pillow!" :-)

Inako is collecting Pooh item, and a lot of Poohs are scattered around her place. However, she forgot where she got the pillow when I asked, so I couldn't find it for my sister... :-)

Working Bear

Just when I don't bring my camera, interesting scene popped out right before my eyes... :-)

I just went back from my lab when I saw a bear stuffed-doll being aired in the balcony together with some 布団 (futon - Japanese style mattress) to get some sunshine. From below, it looked like the bear was do the job - hung the futon on the balcony railing...

Anyway, I should not leave my camera home next time...