Just every little things that I wanna show...

Great News for Ozoners

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Congratulation for Octo for the birth of his daughter!!!! (and the second of the Ozoners' heir...)
Hope Ghania will grow healthy and inherited not only the great trait of her parents, but also those of her fabulous uncles and aunties here :-)
Additional fact about Octo, he once gulped (a bit) of phenol solution while doing ozoners experiment. So, if any of you out there (intentionally or not) happened to have an experience of drinking phenol (as if plenty who like to have phenol as their softdrink :-) ), don't worry, you still have the chance to have offspring :-)

Kitten Home Stay

Friday, October 7, 2005

My neighbor needed to go out of town for a while, and they asked whether I would like to take care of their kitten for a night. It's been years that I didn't live with cats, so I quickly receive the offer.
Well, the kitten was cute, and as a normal kitten would do, it sniffed curious around my room, and also followed me wherever I go. Anyway, there's no big accident during the kitten stay, and I'm glad that I can return her save and sound the next morning....

The First of the Ozoners' Heir

Tuesday, October 4, 2005

Well, he should be, unless one of us has hidden children... :-) 'Aabid, mbak Eva's son, around 1 year old in the picture (I forgot to ask the birthday...)
Hope he'll be grow to be an amazing person... just like his parents...
(I don't know what mbak Eva said if she read this... :-) )