It was when I had a factory trip to Ibaraki and Fukushima. As a 'normally' held factory trip, you spend the whole day seeing the factory, and spend the whole night partying :-). Unfortunately, we stayed in a lodging place that has curfew at 10pm, that's why we had to go out shopping for the party stock before the gate was closed.
The party started, and foods and drinks ran out faster that we thought. By the time we realized, it looked like we had to continue the chat without food and drink if we couldn't get additional supply. At that time Shiiba found that the window of the room that we used for the party was not so high from the ground, and it looked possible for us to slip trough it to the ground, go shopping, and return without being noticed.
"Wanna tried?"
"Why not?"
I looked around to make sure that there was no one outside watching while Shiiba mobilized the mass to join the mission impossible :-). Finally, there were 9 members that boldly took the offer, and the mission was commenced... (why all of sudden I sound like a member of a special force who carries out a dangerous mission? :-) )
The plan came together smoothly... with one small problem. Well, it was not hard to accomplished phase 1 and 2 (a.k.a. going out through the window and going shopping :-) ), however, for the phase 3 (a.k.a. going back through the window), it was not as smooth as it was planned. The window was higher when you see it form the ground, and it seems that it would be hard for a girl to climb back through the window by herself. It turned out to be true, since Kitazawa who was the first to try failed to climb even after twice trying.
Well, I often went hiking with friends who bring along small kids and I often helped the kids to climbed rock or very steep steps, that's why I think it should be easy to help her climbing the window. I looked around and wondered why nobody stepped up to help her out, and finally I moved forward and told her that I'd help her.
"On the third count, jump", I told her, and I put my hand on her waist. She did what I told her and I helped pushing her up, and this time she succeeded climbing the window. I turned back to the others to see who would climb next, when I realized everybody was looking at me...
I really wondered what made them look at me like that. I've helped my friends' kids plenty of time before and there was no problem at all... while suddenly I realized what's wrong. Well, there's no problem for me to help my friends' kids, because they're kids - but Kitazawa is not a kid. I should realized that it could be very rude to lay my hands on her waist and push her up like that without asking her permission. And that should also be the reason why's nobody tried to help her climbing the window (everybody should have been thinking of helping her, but they worried that it could be rude to push her up... :-) ).
Anyway, one by one we climbed back, and mission was accomplished. The party continued, and no one mentioned about the window accident, including Kitazawa, so I tried to forget it. However, the next morning, I thought that I should apologize to her about the incident, so I came to her and said sorry about what happened the night before. She just laughed.
"No problem at all. It should have been me who says thanks to you. If you didn't help me out, I'd have to stay outside the whole night."
I was really relieved, and she continued, this time with a low voice, "I think I should apologize to you. I was heavy, wasn't I? It should have been very difficult to push me up to the window..."
This time, I was failed to hold my laughter... :-)